Letters to My Besties


It's me again, karena ini weekend dan akhir bulan. I don't know what to do, to poor to go out, and Thanks ya Allah i still have wi-fi.
Kali ini, aku akan cerita tentang my besties, actually it's more likely to A letter or some words for them to cheer them up because i'm in a thousand miles away from them and we all are too busy now, yup, it's because we're not highschooler anymore.

First of all, let me show you the pic of them
This is the pic of us in Junior High school which is the first time we met, alay, isnt?
Because i don't have a pic of jhs with this hella noisy girl, so i post it exclusively.

Actually i barely keep in touch with the girl in my right side since sophomore year in jhs and i'm so damn lazy to crop the pic
And this is the new one! this photoshoot was taken last year, right before i left, before we were separated by our own choices (re: college). Damn, i miss them.
See! we're lyk the same species.
And this is the last one, this was taken this year right in long holiday.
Ok, i think that's enough.
The thick-eyebrow girl named Vebi, the straight-hair-chubby-cheek girl named Inri, the glasses-girl named Devi, The red-hijab girl named Dila, and the red-lipstick-badass-brows girl named Fijri.
I love them? of course, i miss them? don't ask, i hella do.
Aku bukan tipikal orang yang gampang deket sama orang, ga gampang akrab dan when i found the right one, it lasts long long lyk forever. I don't think i should explain how my memories with them are so priceless because they are too  damn much to be mentioned. I just wanna express my love to them because like old-people said, if you love someone, tell him/her.

Well, let's get started!

Dear my Thicky thicky brow girl, Vebi.
How's Beringin veb? How's kabarnya nenekmu? i can't describe how much i miss nongki-nongki di belakang rumahmu sambil take bunch of selfies in your phone hehe, it's indescribable. You are my most patient girl i've ever known, the strongest girl that i've ever been friends with, orang yang paling nda sekke' sepanjang sejarah suju berambut harajuku. Kenapa kau selalu hilang-hilang juga, jarang muncul di grup, kayak mko suku pimitif. Itu grup berdebu mi kodong jarang dikasih ribut-ribut. Do you still like dat "gay" thingy thing? hahahahaha tobatlah engkau wahai anaknya nenek, 19tahun meko. Go find a new boyf! kalo bisa calon pendamping hidup! You know you're hella pretty right, you're kind, and lovely, and jago urus rumah, favorite wife soon to be. I miss you, i miss temani ko pergi ke bundu just to get a wi-fi, or temani ko jalan pas lagi ada uangmu hehe, atau temani ko cari sesuatu karena saya paling jago kalo masalah best stuff with a low price in the mall especially for discount things haha you must admit it, i knew it. You know my only wish for you is you can find your passion so you won't be stuck in your situation now, and i put a bunch of hope supaya kau diterima di tempat mu melamar kerja sekarang or any job that your passion lies in it. My girl who hates seafood the most, your lipstick is damn safe with me because i barely wear it (re: purbasari 92), shadenya too light in my skintone and not cocok dipake kuliah say. Kalo balik ka nanti ku balikin ji itu ke kau, chill. Remember nah, don't ever lose your self, just remember the people you love and the people you wanna make proud, go find your passion and be a better you, don't settle on everything! you know we are always in your back to support you in every decision you'd make. Much love darl xx

Dear my Future chubby nurse, Inri.
We are still in the same City, Tangerang. But somehow why is it so difficult for us to keep in touch? You look so busy in your Instagram stories and as you told me you only have a few holidays while you are struggling with your mid test now same as me. I hope we can hang out sometimes, please don't php-in aku lagi. i'm always  available you know lah orang kosong. Seems like you have boyf now, koko ganteng as you wish, and of course you ga jombz lagi, ndada mi teman jombz ku ih:( So sad to know that you can't go home in the next holiday (re: Ramadhan) which is the best time to schedule a meet up! so saaad:( btw Happy Easter, Inri, My Kendall Jenner! One thing that you must remember, you're luckiest girl for getting a schoolarship in a holy college like UPH, I'm so proud of you. And don't ever forget ajak ka kemana bgitu kek. Sepi sekali Tangerang kodong, di Makassar semua itu cewe gila, i count on you ini Inri. Semangat my future-pretty nurse! Nursery isn't easy and you're freaking amazing because you can go through it. Much love darl xx

Dear my future master of math, Devi.
woooooooe, why are you so galau lyk a broken hearted girl, lyk orang baru putus. I told you don't depend your happiness on someone, even the person that you've known for years can disappoint you. After all that happened, all you have is yourself, so don't share you sad story in public dear. Because some people won't care about it, they are a piece of shit. If there's something happen, you can tell us, you can tell me, you have us. You know i'm the most available girl ever toh, always kosong no matter what. I might be in a thousand miles away, but fuck the distance. We don't need a lot of friends, we just need some who truly love us for who we are. After through the thick and thin, you can count on me. I know exactly what you damn feel, Alone in the crowd? i'm used to it, i'm living it now, i'm feeling it now, even worse. Not in the second i dont miss you and all the those four bitches and all about Makassar. I don't have any close friends here, too alone, right? I even go to places by my self. Pathetic? no, because i know i'm not alone. I have my besties, you and 4 other bitches. We are just separated for awhile to catch our dreams. This is real life darling, people come and go. You know the real ones are the ones who never left. Our closeness rating can't describe how close we are that i can feel my other half lost here without your existance. I miss kapurungnya mace btw.. Send my love and kiss to mace nah, much love darl xx

Dear my future Emak-emak rempong, Dila.
Hmm... dila, orang paling terselalu kere kalo diajak jalan. Tapi berkembang mi tawwa sekarang, frekuensi ngajak jalannya sudah meningkat. How's kehidupan primitif mu? how's your annoying boyf? how is unismuh? Bagaimana ji perawatan muka? Masih kinclong ko atau sudah tan? Please tell your boyf not to be so hard on you, it's annoying. Jauh lebih lama ki bareng dan dia mau sabotage waktu mu sampe larangko pake line. Hmmm baru pacar belum husband. We dila, i miss you. I got no friend like you disini, yang sarkastiknya sangat pedas kayak maicih lvl20, yang paling seru diajak berghibah and the best place untuk ditempati curhat masalah cinta, the best companion buat calla orang + veby. We have been so busy, don't you miss ngumpul-ngumpul di rumah mu sambil ribut-ribut sampe kasih bangun adekmu dan makan gorengan+minum cocacola? Because i miss it soooo bad. Btw jadi sarjana baik-baik ko nah, kasih tinggi IP mu, ngambis non-stop, janganko pacaran terus ko kerja. As my mama said "Ndada itu orang sukses kalo pacaran terus dia kerja", kenapa left ko sede di grup? jangan sai ko left-left, ka ituji tempat ta berkomunikasi kodong:( Pokoknya kalo di Makassar ka nanti we must do the sleepover with the girls nah! A must! Much love darl xx

Dear My gendats emak-emak soon to be, Fijri.
My bestie yang lama sekalimi sejak masa suram alay jahiliyah tapi baru dekat lagi sekarang karena dia dulu anak smk jadi na lupa teman smpnya.
Masih pacaranko sama Jerry di'? kapanko putus ini? sekira beda agama ko toh? hmm Tuhan memang satu, kita yang tak sama~
Nda niat ko lanjut kuliah ini we? cepat sekali ko kerja, nda terima ka:( look like mama-mama ko kalo kerja ko blah, bagaimana perkembangan alis? better? Nda ngeblock mi toh? Ingat ajaranku nah, balikpa lagi baru makeup class ki. Ku ajarko yang lain lagi. Ohiyo kalo balikka nanti, kasih ka the prettiest foto mu buat ku simpan di binder kuliahku. Itu salah satu tips makcomblang ku kalo mauko dijodohkan sama anak stan, ndada fotomu juga di binderku. Traktir dule pake gajimu, cepatnya bergaji banyak, iri ka:( One thing, jangko banyak sekali makanmu, tambah melar ko nanti. Bagusnya mi body mu dulu knp sekarang kayak emak-emak. Bagi-bagi lemak mu juga ke saya. Jangko lagi kayak kacang lupa kulit nah, sepi pko baru pergi ko di kita, awasko. Kalo senang-senangko ajak tongki, kayak waktu dulu itueh ko ajakka ke acara rumah baru mu di ujung gowa sana. Cerita-cerita tongko di grup apapun itu, curhat-curhaat. Miss you my pijjo gendats yang paling jago calla orang di antara semua pacalla. Much love darl xx

Well i think that is all, letters to my besties.
I miss you guys like crazy! Please take me home now..


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